Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Terminalia Chebula   Family : Combretaceae Common Name : Harra English Name : Chebulicmyrobalan Hindi Name : Harra Telugu Name :...

Terminalia Chebula

Terminalia Chebula


Family : Combretaceae

Common Name : Harra

English Name : Chebulicmyrobalan

Hindi Name : Harra

Telugu Name : Karaka

Bengali Name : Haritaki


Tree Characteristics :

Black myrobalan is an evergreen tree growing to a height of 25 metres with a rounded crown of spreading branches. The cylindrical bole is quite short, usually 5 - 10 metres long and 60 - 80cm in diameter. The tree is particularly valued as an excellent source of tannins, though it also provides a good quality wood, plus it has a wide range of medicinal and edible uses. It is often cultivated on a commercial basis for the tannin in its fruit, and also for its medicinal properties, especially in India.


The deputed seeds should be either treated by fermentation process for a period of 15 to 20 days, or the seeds may be clipped at its broad end and then soaked in water for a period of 2 days and then sown in nursery beds.Pregerminated seeds are put in polythene bags of bigger size (at least 15" X 9".) since the root growth is comparatively faster. The nursery should be shaded against the sun. There appears to be some correlation between maximum tannin content of the fruit and the optimum germinative capacity. No. of fruits per Kg 171 to 220; Germination Percentage is about 60 and the germination starts from the 15 day of sowing and last till 30 days.

Economic Uses :

  • It  is the main ingredient in the Ayurvedic formulation Triphala which is used for kidney and liver dysfunctions. The dried fruit is also used in Ayurveda as a purported antitussive, cardiotonic, homeostatic, diuretic, and laxative.

  • Seed - eaten as a snack. They have a flavour reminiscent of almonds or filberts. An edible oil is obtained from the seed.

  • The fruits contain a range of medically active constituents including anthraquinones, tannins, chebulic acid, resin and a fixed oil.

  • Antidiabetic effects of the fruit extract have been demonstrated.

  • Gallic acid and 3 galloyl glucoses were isolated as inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase.

  • It is used to treat ulcers, wounds, mouth inflammation and gum disease.