Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Lannea Coromandelica   Family                         : Anacardiaceae Common Name           : Wodier English Name              : Indian Ash ...

Lannea Coromandelica

Lannea Coromandelica


Family                         : Anacardiaceae

Common Name           : Wodier

English Name              : Indian Ash tree

Hindi Name                : Mohin, Moyan, Mode, Jhingan

Telugu Name               : Gumpini, Gumpena

Bengali Name             : Jiola

Tree Characteristics :

            It is a deciduous tree usually growing 5 - 10 metres tall but with some specimens up to 20 metres tall with a bole 45cm in diameter. The leaves are gathered from the wild for local use as food. The plant is also cultivated in some areas of the tropics as a hedge plant and roadside tree.

Nursery :

            Collection in May - June, dispersal is mainly by birds, looses viability early. Overnight soaking in cold water.The plantations can be raised by direct sowing of seed, polypot seedlings and stump plantings. Fresh seeds are sown in bags in June, covered by a layer of hay. Shade is necessary. Germination is seen after 10 to 12 days. One year old seedlings is planted. Stump planting (stumps of 25 cms long) can also be done. No. of seeds per kg is 6000 to 10,000 and the germination percentage is about 45 to 65.

Economic Uses :

Ø  Young leaves and sprouts - raw or cooked. Eaten as a vegetable.

Ø  Eaten as a lalab (a vegetable salad served with sambal) with rice. The gum obtained from the trunk is often used in confectionery.

Ø  The powdered bark is used as a flavouring. The bark contains tannins.

Ø  It is used for the impregnation of fishnets. A soluble resin, called 'Jingan gum' is obtained from the stems. It is used for calico printing; as a size for paper; for mixing with lime when whitewashing; protecting nets etc

It is obtained by making shallow, short cuts all over the bark.