Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Terminalia Alata   Family :  Combretaceae Synonymous :  T. tomentosa Common Name :  laurel,Indian laurel English Name :  laurel,...

Terminalia Alata

Terminalia Alata


Family : Combretaceae

Synonymous : T. tomentosa

Common Name : laurel,Indian laurel

English Name : laurel,Indian laurel

Hindi Name : Asan, sain, saja

Telugu Name : Nalla Maddi

Bengali Name : Asan


Tree Characteristics :

It is most common and most widely distributed. Identified by crocodile skin bark, red blaze and stick-like glands at the base on the backside of the leaf. Development of the tree is best on deep, rich alluvial soils but it avoids sandy soil. Silviculturally it is regarded as suitable for afforesting clayey soils.

Nursery Technique :

Seeds are sometimes heaped together and watered daily; when the seeds begin to sprout, they are removed and sown. The fruits are soaked in cold water for 48 hours. Treated seeds are dibbled in the polybags in March-April with top end down-ward at a depth equal to the diameter of the seed. The beds should not be shaded till germination begins, and then should be shaded immediately after germination. No.of seeds per Kg is 550; Germination Percentage is 36 to 70 and the germination is period is 15 to 30 days.

Economic Use:

  • The wood is used to making crossties, housing general, flooring, panelling, furniture and cabinets, plywood and veneer, tools, tool handles, agricultural tools.

  • The bark and especially the fruit yield pyrogallol and catechol to dye and tan leather.

  • The bark is used medicinally against diarrhoea. Oxalic acid can be extracted from it.

  • It is fodder and the leaves is a good host for the silk worms which used in sericulture.