Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Hardwickia Binata   Family                        :  Fabaceae Common Name         :  Anjan English Name            :  Indian Blackwood Hindi...

Hardwickia Binata

Hardwickia Binata


Family                        : Fabaceae

Common Name         : Anjan

English Name            : Indian Blackwood

Hindi Name                : Anjan

Telugu Name             : Yepi

Bengali Name            : Calam


Tree Characteristics :

Anjan is a moderate-sized to large, graceful, deciduous tree with drooping slender branches. It can grow up to 24 - 30 metres tall, with a clean cylindrical bole that can be up to 12 - 15 metres. In isolated situations, or on poor soils, the tree tends to branch low down and produce a short bole. The tree produces a good quality timber that makes an excellent fuel. The timber obtained from the tree is the hardest and heaviest. The leaves are shed in April and the new leaves emerge in early May. The flowering season is during August–September, the fruits appear after the flowering season and continue to remain till May. It is also the source of a fibre.


Seed - fresh mature seed has a high fertility rate and germinates readily with moderate moisture. Germination is epigeous. Growth and survival of seedlings are improved by mulching and shade. Seed collection Time – Feb to May; Seed Rate – 3500/kg; Seed is treatment is usually not required.

Economic Uses:

Ø  The bark yields a strong fibre largely employed for making ropes.

Ø  The wood is perhaps the hardest and heaviest in India.

Ø   The sapwood is small and white, the heartwood dark reddish-brown streaked with purple.

Ø  The wood is close grained, difficult to season but fairly durable.

Ø  The wood is used for beams and mine props, bridge and house construction, agricultural implements, carts and wheel work.

Ø  The tree provides excellent firewood and good charcoal.

Branches are much lopped for manure; leaves can be used as mulch.