Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Grewia Tiliifolia Family                         : Tiliaceae Common Name           : Dhaman English Name              : Dhaman Hindi Name   ...

Grewia Tiliifolia

Grewia Tiliifolia

Family                         : Tiliaceae

Common Name           : Dhaman

English Name              : Dhaman

Hindi Name                : Dhamani, Dhaman

Telugu Name               : Cahrachi

Bengali Name             : Dhamani


Tree Characteristics :

It is a deciduous tree growing 12 - 24 metres tall.The bole can be 60cm or more in diameter.The tree is harvested from the wild for local use of its fibre, wood and edible fruit.


Fruting season May to June; Ripe fruits fall abundantly during the pre-monsoon showers. It is convenient to gather fruits on tarpaulin sheets below the trees in advance; Germination percentage Up to 10 Germination period 5 to 60 days The seeds are sown in germination trays containing vermiculite and watered. The seedlings are pricked out at two leaf stage and planted in 22.5 x 17.5 cm polythene bags filled with potting mixture

Economic Uses:

Ø  Timber is excellent quality, strong, elastic as good as teak. The fruit is eaten and the inner bark made into cordage. Wood is used for shafts, furniture, poles,frames, pannels, tool handles, agricultural implements etc. The brown heartwood is in a thin layer; the sapwood is white. The wood is close-grained, hard.

Ø  A nice flavour, but a lot of seeds and little pulp. The black, globose fruit is about the size of a pea.

A fibre from the inner bark is used to make cordage.