Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Securinega Virosa Family : Euphorbiaceae Common Name : Common Bush English Name : Common Bush Hindi Name : Dalme, Dengla Telugu Name : Mekar...

Securinega Virosa

Securinega Virosa

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Common Name : Common Bush

English Name : Common Bush

Hindi Name : Dalme, Dengla

Telugu Name : Mekarayi

Bengali Name : Kurchi


Tree Characteristics :

It is a usually deciduous shrub or small tree with many erect or arching branches; it usually grows up to 4 metres tall, but exceptionally to 7 metres. It has numerous branches arising from the base and spirally arranged upwards.

A multi-purpose plant with a wide range of medicinal and other uses.


Seed; Information deficient.

Economic Uses :

  • The plant is widely used in traditional medicine, being employed in the treatment of many different conditions. All parts of the plant are used, but the root is considered the most active part


  • Securine is the main alkaloid present, and as many as ten alkaloids closely related to it have been determined present in the plant.

  • The alkaloids, viroallosecurinine, virosecurinine and virosine, have been recorded from the leaves

  • Methanol and water extracts of the leaves have shown strong antimalarial activity, significantly inhibiting the growth of Plasmodium falciparumin vitro in a dose-dependent manner

  • The root-sap, combined with fat, is a recognised soothing ointment.