Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Screber Stevioides   Common Name :  Weaver's Beam Tree English Name :  Weaver's Beam Tre e Hindi Name :  Mokha Telugu Name :  Bullak...

Screber Stevioides

Screber Stevioides


Common Name : Weaver's Beam Tree

English Name : Weaver's Beam Tree

Hindi Name : Mokha

Telugu Name : Bullakaya


Tree Characteristics :

Weaver's Beam Tree is a moderate sized deciduous tree, growing up to 20 m tall, with thick grey bark. Leaves are pinnate, with 3-4 pairs of opposite leaflets, and a terminal one. Leaflets are ovate, entire, unequal-sided, petioles thickened at the insertion of leaflets. Flowers are yellowish white, variegated with brown, in terminal trichotomous. Flowering: February-April. 

Nursery Practice :

Data deficient

Economic Uses :

The roots, bark and leaves are bitter, acrid, appetising, digestive, thermogenic, stomachic, depurative, constipating urinary astringent and anthelmintic. The fruits are reported to be useful in curing hydrocele.