Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Kigelia Pinnata   Family : Bignoniaceae Common Name : sausage tree English Name : sausage tree Hindi Name : Balam khira, Jhar fanoos Kannada...

Kigelia Pinnata

Kigelia Pinnata


Family : Bignoniaceae

Common Name : sausage tree

English Name : sausage tree

Hindi Name : Balam khira, Jhar fanoos

Kannada Name : Aanethoradu Kaayi, Mara Sowthae

Telugu Name  : Enuga thondamu, Kijili, Naagamalle 

Synonyms : Kigelia africana

Tree Characteristics  :


The blood-red flowers of the sausage tree bloom at night on long, ropelike stalks that hang down from the limbs of this tropical tree. The fragrant, nectar-rich blossoms are pollinated by bats, insects and sunbirds in their native habitat. The mature fruits dangle from the long stalks like giant sausages. They may be up to two feet long and weigh up to 6.8 kg. The flowers are seen hanging from the tree while they haven't opened. After they open, they fall off quite soon. The fruit, while not palatable for humans, is popular with hippos, baboons, and giraffes. Mainly grown as a curiosity and ornamental, both for its beautiful deep red flowers and its strange fruit. A tree widespread in Africa, found primarily in wet savannah woodland spreading into gallery woodland and along rivers in moist forests. In open woodland and in riverine fringes, it occurs at low altitudes.  Altitude: 0-1800 m, Mean annual rainfall: 600-1400 mm


Nursery Practice :


Sow fresh seed in September for the best results. Place the seeds in seedling trays filled with pure river sand. Press the seed into the sand until the tip is level with the sand and cover lightly with a thin layer of sand or pure compost and keep moist. Seeds usually germinate after 10-25 days. The sausage tree is not frost-resistant but if young plants are protected for the first 2-3 years from cold winds in the colder areas, they will survive. The growth rate is at least 1 m per year but it is slower in colder areas.


Economic Use:


The fresh fruit is poisonous and strongly purgative; fruit are prepared for consumption by drying, roasting or fermentation. In central Kenya, the dried fruits are used to make an alcoholic beverage called Muratina which is a core components in cultural events in Central Kenya. Kigelia is also used in a number of skin care products. In Botswana, the timber is used for makoros yokes and oars.

The tree is widely grown as an ornamental tree in tropical regions for its decorative flowers and unusual fruit. Planting sites should be selected carefully, as the falling fruit can cause serious injury to people and damage vehicles parked under the trees.