Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Ixora Arborea Family                 :    Rubiaceae Common Name  :  Small flowered Ixora English Name     :  Small flowered Ixora Hindi Name...

Ixora Arborea

Ixora Arborea

Family                 :  Rubiaceae

Common Name  : Small flowered Ixora

English Name     : Small flowered Ixora

Hindi Name        : Lokhandi


Tree Characteristics :

Small Flowered Ixora is a very different Ixora in that it a tree, not a shrub, and it has flowers much smaller than Red Ixora. It is a small, much branched tree. Leaves vary from ovate-oblong to cuneate-obovate, bluntish or short-pointed, 3-4 inches long. Flowers are small, numerous, white or pink, and distinctly fragrant too. Flowering: March-April.

Nursery Practice       :

Data Deficient

Economic Uses           :

Ø  The decoction of the flowers is given for hemoptysis, catarrhal bronchitis and dysmenorrhea.

Ø  The root or fruit is used as a medicine by Santals, in case of high colored urine in females. The flowers and bark are used on reddened eyes and eruptions in children.

Ø  The decoction of the roots is given for dysentery and as a sedative for hiccoughs, nausea, Loss of appetite, fever and gonorrhea.

Ø  The root is pulverized and mixed with Ginger and rice water, and given in dropsy.

Ø  The decoction of bark is given for anemia and general debility.

Fruit and root juice is used to stop bleeding after delivery.