Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Ficus Glomerata   Family                        : Moraceae Common Name         :  Goolar English Name            :  Cluster Fig Hindi Name  ...

Ficus Glomerata

Ficus Glomerata


Family                        : Moraceae

Common Name         : Goolar

English Name            : Cluster Fig

Hindi Name                : Goolar

Telugu Name             : Paidi

Bengali Name            : Dumur


Tree Characteristics :

It is an evergreen or, in drier areas, deciduous tree, often with an irregular crown; it can grow 20 - 30 metres tall. The bole becomes deeply buttressed as the tree grows older and can be 36 - 90cm in diameter.The tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine. It is often cultivated, both for its fruit and also as a shade tree in plantations and an ornamental tree in parks, large gardens etc.


Seed - germinates best at a temperature around 20°c. Air layering.

Tip cuttings around 4 - 12cm long, taken from lateral branches.

Economic Uses           :

Ø  Fruit - raw or cooked Sweet, but rather insipid. They are used in various preserves and side-dishes

Ø  Unripe fruits are pickled and used in soups.The fruit can be dried and ground into a flour then eaten with sugar and milk.

Ø  Young shoots are eaten raw or cooked. The roots can be cut to provide a liquid that can be drunk as water.The leaves are used in the treatment of diarrhoea

Ø  The bark is astringent. It is used in the treatment of haematuria, menorrhagia, and haemoptysis.

Ø  The fruit is astringent. It is used in the treatment of haematuria, menorrhagia, and haemoptysis. The fruit, when filled with sugar, is considered to be very cooling.

The root is chewed as a treatment for tonsillitis.