Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Ficus Benghalensis Family                        : Moraceae Common Name         :  Banyan tree English Name            :  Banyan tree Hindi ...

Ficus Benghalensis

Ficus Benghalensis

Family                        : Moraceae

Common Name         : Banyan tree

English Name            : Banyan tree

Hindi Name                : Barh

Telugu Name             : Marri

Bengali Name            : Bot

Tree Characteristics :

            The banyan tree is an evergreen tree with a wide, spreading crown; it can grow 20 - 30 metres or more tall. The plant usually begins life as an epiphyte, growing in the branch of another tree; as it grows older it sends down aerial roots which, when they reach the ground quickly form roots and become much thicker and more vigorous. They supply nutrients to the fig, allowing it to grow faster than the host tree. The aerial roots gradually encircle the host tree, preventing its main trunk from expanding, whilst at the same time the foliage smothers the foliage of the host. Eventually the host dies, leaving the fig to carry on growing without competition.




The ripe fruits are collected, rubbed and washed to obtain the seed which is dried in the sun. Viability is very low and hence the seeds should be sown immediately. Sowing is done in May-June in boxes filled with sand, mixed with compost after mixing the seed (which is minute) with wood ash to ensure uniform sowing. Germination starts within a week. Tiny seedlings are transplanted in the nursery beds at a spacing about 30 cms x 30 cms. Care is taken during transplanting to ensure that the roots of the seedlings are not injured or coiled. The nursery beds are irrigated immediately after transplanting. Planting out of the seedlings is done in July-August with a ball of earth.

Economic Uses:

             Ø  The aerial roots are used for temporary binding materials.

             Ø  The bark and leaves contain tannins. The latex obtained from all parts of the plant can be used to produce an inferior quality rubber.

             Ø  The wood is light in weight, water-resistant.

             Ø  The leaves are used to remedy dysentery and diarrhoea.

             Ø  The young leaves are heated and used as a poultice.

             Ø  The concentrated latex, combined with the fruit, is aphrodisiac and is used to treat spermatorrhoea and gonorrhoea.

             Ø  The milky latex is used against pains and fever, rheumatism and lumbago, toothache, and applied to cracked and inflamed soles.

Keystone species. Excellent in terms of Biodiversity conservation and good park tree.