Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Randia Uliginosa   Family                        : Rubiaceae Synonymous               :  Tamilnadia uliginosa Common Name         :  Divine ...

Randia Uliginosa

Randia Uliginosa

 Family                        : Rubiaceae

Synonymous              : Tamilnadia uliginosa

Common Name         : Divine Jasmine

English Name            : Divine Jasmine

Hindi Name                : Kala Phetra

Telugu Name             : Kuka-Elka


Tree Characteristics :

Divine jasmine is a very rigid, ramous, small tree, armed with numerous strong thorns, delights in bogs, swamps, banks of rivers and other moist places. Flowering time the beginning of the hot season, or, in some measure, all the year. The flowers of this species, as well as the beauty of the entire shrub, render it deserving of a conspicuous place in the flower garden. Trunk ill defined, covered with a dark rust-colored scabrous bark. Branches erect, rigid, four-cornered, thick set with short, rigid round, diverging branchlets. Short lateral shoots, each of which terminally produces one or two pairs of short thorns. Leaves opposite on young shoots, or fascicled at the end of branchlets, short-petioled, oblong, shining, entire, 2-3 inches long by 1.5 inch broad. Flowers 1-3 upon their proper short peducles at the extremeties of the branchlets, large, white, and fragrant. Calyx above, tubular, obtusely five-toothed, permanent. Berry 4 cm across, globose or ovoid solitary ; stalk 2 cm long ; seeds many, embedded in the pulp,

Nursery Practice :

Data deficient

Economic Uses :

The plant contain bioactive compounds possessing antimicrobial, antidiarroheal and anthelminthic activities.