Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Elaeodendron Glaucum   Family                        :  Celastraceae Common Name         :  Ceylon Tea English Name            :  Ceylon Tea...

Elaeodendron Glaucum

Elaeodendron Glaucum


Family                        : Celastraceae

Common Name         : Ceylon Tea

English Name            : Ceylon Tea

Hindi Name                : Jamrasi, Aram

Telugu Name             : Noorijia

Bengali Name            : Bhutkus

 Tree Characteristics :

Ceylon tea is an evergreen tree growing from 18 - 25 metres tall. The bole can be 40 - 95cm in diameter.The tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of wood. It is sometimes grown as an ornamental in gardens.



Economic Uses           :

Ø  The dried and powdered leaves are used as sternutatoires.

Ø  They are also burnt and the smoke used as a fumigant in the treatment of certain nerve diseases, particularly to rouse women from hysteria

Ø  The bark is astringent and is also considered poisonous

Ø  The fresh root bark is rubbed into a paste with water and applied as a poultice on swellings

Ø  The root is said to be specific against snake-bite

Ø  A cold water extract of the crushed roots is used as an emetic

Ø  A high quality gum is obtained from the plant

Ø  It has an exceedingly close, firm grain, is moderately hard and durable. It is easy to work, yielding a very smooth surface.

An excellent wood, but usually only available in smaller sizes and so not very useful commercially.