Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Acacia leucophloea   Family : Leguminosae _Mimosoideae Common Name : White-Bark Acacia English Name : White-Bark Acacia Hindi Na...

Acacia leucophloea

Acacia leucophloea


Family : Leguminosae _Mimosoideae

Common Name : White-Bark Acacia

English Name : White-Bark Acacia

Hindi Name : Ronjh, Hiwar

Telugu Name : Tellatumma

Bengali Name : Safed Babul

Acacia catechu Species Name :  Acacia catechu Family :  Leguminosae _Mimosoideae Common Name :  Cutch Tree English Nam...

Acacia catechu

Acacia catechu
Species Name : Acacia catechu
Family : Leguminosae _Mimosoideae
Common Name : Cutch Tree
English Name : Black Catechu
Hindi Name : Khair
Telugu Name : Khadiramu
Bengali Name : Katha
hierarchy Characteristics :

Acacia catechu is a minute or medium-sized, hard hierarchy up to 15 m tall ; bark sad grey or besmirched - brown. kindling slender. A. catechu occurs effortlessly in miscellaneous deciduous forests and savannas of cut mountains and hills. It is in particular for all in the drier regions on dirty soils of riverbanks and watersheds. Drought resistant.

Nursery observe :

Seeds detached by wind speed are composed from ground. Pods are dried in the sun for a not many days, next beaten with brushwood and seeds separated by shaking and winnowing Seed practicability is 6-8 months. Germination percentage is 60- 80; Germination stage is 30 days. Sowing is completed in kindergarten beds in February-March, spacing 20 cm x 2 cm; about 1.5 cm deep. Beds are weeded and watered regularly, spacing of seedlings 5 cm not together in lines. Sand+clay+farmyard compost (FYM) (1:1:2) channel make happen able germination and Sand+clay+FYM (1:1:1) assign accomplished establishment. Foliar spray of phosphoric acid (0.3%), DAP (2%) and urea (1-3%) strengthen the escalation and parched authority of seedlings .

Economic Uses :

·         Food : Seeds repress water-soluble mucilage (6.8%); a beneficial protein source

·         Fodder : It is painstaking to be a first-rate hay hierarchy and is extensively lopped to give to eat goats and at era cattle.

·         Timber : lumber is second-hand for council house post, agri. Implements, wheels, tool handles, etc. Catechin is extracted from the wood. Cutch or gloom catechu is chiefly old in dyeing cord and silk and in calico-printing. Cutch is old in the dyeing of dispatch sails and mail-Bags Gum or resin :The bark exudes a sunny gum of fantastically obedient eminence and is one of the superlative substitutes for gum Arabic

·         Bark is practical in passive diarrhoea, decoction is set internally in leprosy, cooling and digestive, functional externally to ulcers. Katha has lengthy been second-hand in Indian Medicine. It is regarded as astringent, cooling and digestive, old in relaxed state of affairs of the throat, impertinence and gums, furthermore in cough and diarrhoea. Externally it is employed as an sharp and as a cooling diligence to ulcers, boils and eruptions of the skin.

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