Details of trees plants and summary on their care and cultivation

Mitragyna Parvifolia   Family                         : R ubiaceae Common Name         : Kaim English Name            :  Keli-Kadam Hindi Na...

Mitragyna Parvifolia

Mitragyna Parvifolia


Family                         : Rubiaceae

Common Name         : Kaim

English Name            : Keli-Kadam

Hindi Name                : Kaim, Kalam, Mundi

Telugu Name             : Battaganupu

Bengali Name            : Gulikadam


Tree Characteristics :

            Kaim is a deciduous tree growing up to 27 metres tall. The tree is harvested from the wild - it yields a valuable timber and has local medicinal uses.


            Ripe fruit heads are collected and dried in the sun to separate the seeds. Seeds have got low vitality and should be sown immediately. No. of fruits per kg is about 1000 and No. of seeds per gram is about 10,000 and the germination percentage is 56. Germination period 30 to 130 days.

Economic Uses           :

Ø  The bark and roots are used in the treatment of fevers and colic

Ø  The light pinkish-brown wood is even-grained, moderately hard and durable if not exposed to the wet.

Ø  It is easily worked and polishes well.

A useful wood, esteemed for many purposes, it is used in construction, furniture making, agricultural implements, combs, cups, spoons, plates and for turned and carved articles.